Ugly American

CRank: 5Score: 18310

#1... if you are an American, remember how you felt on Sept 11th and make that same comment... if you aren't, try to imagine being in a country where your own planes full of civilians were being flown into buildings full of more civilians.

And #1.2... I think you might be legally retarded. The article is not about terrorists attacking gamers. Idiot. It is about terrorists communicating and planning upcoming attacks on real targets. Trust me. World of Warcraft and its pla...

5851d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Slow PS3 download speed. I have always signed up for the fastest service... and compared to my 360 and computer, my PS3 is ridiculously slow. It has been that way since I bought my PS3 back at launch.

For what its worth...

5852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I read this article and thought I would sit down with my PS3 and get started on my next gen experience. Except that the games don't feel any more next gen than my 360 games. MGS4 was pretty, and I liked the camo system, but if next gen is sitting around waiting for an install and watching cut scenes, then I will stay with the next gen but still current gen games. This article is ridiculous.

5855d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Gearbox ported Halo to the PC. I think they have a little more experience than a lot of people are giving them credit for.

5856d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Somebody points out the games thye are interested in, and you have to tell them they are wrong?

After looking at all of these lists (remember when people had lists that included Haze?), I see that I will continue using my PS3 mostly as a Blu-Ray player. I am CURIOUS to see Killzone 2. I am interested in Resistance 2. And I will get DC Online whenever it comes out. But that is it for my personal tastes. I messed around with LBP at ComicCon... and while I will agree it is ...

5856d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

How many times have you read a PREVIEW that was glowing? That praised a game that was coming out in a few months as being groundbreaking and revolutionary? And then that game sucked to high heaven? A lot. The gifts that are received (and I am talking about more than a nice meal for a poor journalist... Jonas Allen is a propoganda-spewing retard) are typically given prior to those previews. And how many times have you bought or pre-ordered the game not waiting for any of the reviews, beca...

5857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, I wouldn't mind the disc switching if it came to the 360. I played through on the PS3 and the sporadic 3 min load times while I watched Snake smoke a cigarette? Pretty sure in that 3 minutes, I could get my fat ass off the couch, walk over to my console, and change a disc. So undoable on the 360 is hard to believe.

And as far as the the in-game advertising that somebody brought up being "content" that would be needed to change... I doubt it would take too...

5914d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When I bought the HD-DVD add on, I was well aware that it could tank. I still wanted to watch some movies that were only on HD-DVD. Am I disappointed that HD-DVD? Honestly, no. I have a PS3, so I am still set for my HD movies, and now I can concentrate on one format.

I think the add-on worked out well for Microsoft. They do not have a dead format in their system. I suppose they could have kept producing HD-DVD games had they put it in the system, but I think it would have...

6057d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whether you are a fanboy or not (which typically any time somebody calls somebody else a "fankid," it is a telling sign), the fact that you can't write is what bugs me more than a game store employee. The random punctuation and capitalization makes it pretty hard to even take you remotely serious.

There is no excuse for those employees' fanboyism. Just like there is no excuse for it on this website. I have had a 360 with a drive go out, and my wife's had the RROD...

6068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As somebody has already stated, this is BUSINESS news... this has absolutely nothing to do with gaming. It isn't tech or industry. It is a hostile buyout. Why are we discussing this? Does somebody expect this to effect online PC gaming?

6077d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While a good portion of these songs are awesome, and I have downloaded a whole bunch of the others that have been made available... I find myself looking for the entire albums that were promised before the game was released. These downloads seem very Guitar Hero-esque. Because of MTV's huge license, weren't we supposed to have entire CD's available for download? Three songs a week, with some being very hit or miss, is disappointing, and I am really hoping they open some floodgates of music...

6081d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Average Gamer does not care about streaming games from their PC. Is there honestly a benefit to this? The resolution is horrible, and it lags. Why not just sit at your PC and play the game? I am hoping that eventually that I can stream a movie disc to my PSP from my PS3. That would be a good start.

6097d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I believe... I think... I feel that COD 4 is infinitely better than Halo 3. I cannot even go back to Halo 3 multiplayer after playing COD 4. That makes me sad. I even have the Halo 3 Xbox 360.

But do me a favor and get OUT OF HERE with your weak fanboy crap. Nobody cares that you want to rail on a decent game. The console is good. The game is good. If anything sucks... you do. Welcome to it.

6122d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Are you threatening to kill me? Seriously?

Just read what YOU wrote, and then oome back and tell me that you think you are remotely mature.

At first, I will admit, I got a little fired up at your brilliant insult. Then I remembered that I just returned from a 6 month cruise. That I was flying a multi-million dollar helicopter while I was underway. And then I realized that you don't know who you are talking to or what you are talking about... and then I re...

6139d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"i think KIDS games get the worst wrap EVER, more than ps3.

My Kid will absolutely love a game, and i`ll check the reviews and it got like 2s and 3s out of 10."

So, either this nefarious "My Kid" (I noticed you finally capitalized SOMETHING, and it was still done wrong) is either you or a figment of your imagination. As ultraviolentz pointed out, you write like a small child. If you DO you have children, please go directly to social service...

6143d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did you actually read the article? The guy says he loves achievement points. He also says there are cheap achievements and one that make the game more enjoyable.

He only says ones that require no skill are worthless. Nice try spinning the article.

6145d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The genius of achievements is that when it comes to multi-platform games, I would rather pick it up on the 360, because I will have something to show for it long after I am done playing the game.

That may change with Home, because the idea of having a trophy room sounds cooler than points...

6145d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

First of all, Wal-Mart is NOT price gouging. If they were selling JUST the Wii for $677, then that is price gouging.

Take a step back for a second and pretend YOU own Wal-Mart:
The Wii is in short supply. Therefore, all of the accessories and games are sitting there, not being purchased because there aren't enough Wii's in circulation. The goal of a company is to make profits. How do you make profits if you can't sell the software? You take the high demand for one...

6145d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

In your ridiculous fanboy rant, you actually hit on a couple of good points... but even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then:

Yes, the RRoD sucks. But the worst ever? In my personal experience, I have gone through one 360 (I have four in my house) and four PS2's. My PS3 works fine except for the random software errors which are only annoying. And my Wii crapped out, too, so whoopdeedoo.

The disk scratching IS people typically moving their consoles ...

6146d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am looking forward to this as I have plenty friends who are playing with other friends. This just makes life a little easier.

6146d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment